Crossing two hardy and docile breeds, this hybrid reliably produces top-tier brown eggs with excellent shell quality, up to 250 per year. Vaccinated to commercial standards, its parent breeds - make it suitable for all terrains and climates. Often known as Silver Star or Magpie.
Please bring a suitable box or purchase an appropriate sized box from us to transport your birds home.
Just like being described Very healthy and very happy chickens
Excellent, thanks for the feedback - these are particularly calm this year
Lee OwensL. O.Lee O.
Great customer service from Chartley Chucks, our chickens have settled nicely.
Glad to hear all is well with the birds Lee, enjoy the eggs!
Digger by name, digger by nature
Loves to scratch round in the garden. The most determined digger of my little flock. Loves to disappear into the bushes and scratch around, but returns to the coop to lay after the first couple of weeks confined. The twitchiest about being picked up, but chickens are stupid so with a bit of food, easy to catch. All of the birds I have had from Chartley Chucks (apart from the one who was Sunday Lunch for a fox) are healthy, laying well and are a source of great enjoyment for the kids as they will eat from the hand.