A tempered, heavy bird, Bluebell's smoky blue plumage renders her widely sought after by small-scale poultry owners. Vaccinated to industry-standard, she yields up to 250 light brown eggs annually (a hybrid of Splash Plymouth Rock and Barred Plymouth Rock).
Please bring a suitable box or purchase an appropriate sized box from us to transport your birds home.
I bought one of these with some others 5 years ago and it was time to top up my flock after a visit from mr fox. I like these fluffy buts because they are large, lay well and seem very robust. Thanks Jeff for you support and advice on fox proofing.
No problem Sally, just call if you need any more advice, I am happy to help.
Marc RathboneM. R.Marc R.
New hens
Really friendly , with quick and easy service. Am really lucky Chartley chucks is so close to me.
The most beautiful plummage, laying well
The most dignified, elegant looking hen! Healthy & a good layer.