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Faverolle - Salmon

Faverolle - Salmon

Regular price £60.00
Regular price £60.00 Sale price £60.00
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Large Faverolles - Salmon colour.  Originating from France

Like a delux version of the Brahma with a beard and less feather on their feet - a very smart breed, much sought after.  Very friendly, calm, quiet and gentle.

240 eggs/year, Light brown eggs

The breed was developed in the 1860s in north-central France, in the vicinity of the villages of Houdan and Faverolles. The breed was given the name of the latter village and the singular is thus also Faverolles, not Faverolle. The final "s" is silent in French

Please bring a suitable box or purchase an appropriate sized box from us to transport your birds home.

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