Large Gold Brahma. These are the gentle giants of the chicken world, very calm, too heavy to fly anywhere and large. laying from around 40 weeks old. One of Jeffs favorite breeds. If you put one in with a flock of hybrids they have a calming effect much like a cockerel does.
Please bring a suitable box or purchase an appropriate sized box from us to transport your birds home.
Easy to order, information provided quickly and comprehensively and our bird is magnificent. Will definitely continue to use Charley Chucks.
Joanna, glad you like the Brahma, they are my favorites too, well those and Silkies. Just love to see Brahma poddling around the the garden.
Ken beezlyK. B.Ken b.
at long last
I have been shopping for Brahma for ages, cant seem to get them anywhere, anyway I finally found some and hey presto I have two great looking ones, just like the picture from chuckly chucks